For those of you unfamiliar with Kali Linux, it's a Penetration Testing platform that runs Linux and can be installed on a variety of devices.
To download Kali Linux for the Raspberry Pi go here:
Scroll down until you see the image for your particular Raspberry Pi. I have a Rpi3 so i downloaded that image.
Once you've downloaded the image you will need to install the image on an SD card. The RPi 3 uses a micro SD card so what I've done is I bought a Micro SD card that has an adapter and then inserted that SD adapter into a USB adapter that will accept the SD card. I then plug it into my computer.
They have several ways to install the image (Windows, Linux, OS X, USB, etc). I will explain Windows and Linux.
To install the image using windows you must first extract the image from the archive file you downloaded. I use WinRAR but you can use whatever you are most comfortable with.
After you unzip the image you should format your SD card. I use SD Formatter which can be found HERE.
You can accept the defaults and hit format. Be sure you are formatting the drive letter associated with your SD card:
After you've formatted the SD card you will now need to write the image to the SD card using Win32 Disk Imager. I usually download it from sourceforge. Wherever you download it from just make sure its a trusted site.
Once you've downloaded Win32 Disk Imager open it up and select the image you extracted earlier and be sure that under Device it shows the correct drive letter for your SD card.Once you have all of that in place press Write.
Be patient. It could a while for it to write the image. Mine took around 20 minutes.
Once it's done writing the image, safely eject the SD card from your computer, put it in the RPi and power it on.
Once its done you should do a few more things which I will explain after the Linux tutorial
First you will need to install and extract the image.
After you extract the image you will use the dd command to write the image to the SD card. In my case, I had a USB adapter that I put my SD card into and plugged it into my USB slot.
Once your OS detects the SD card (either by USB, SD Card reader, etc) you must find out where it's mounted. The easiest way to do this is to run the command fdisk -l. This should list your SD card. Since I used a USB, mine was located at /dev/sdb.
Yours may be different, especially if you are using an integrated SD card reader. Just be sure to know where its mounted otherwise you could wipe your hard drive(s) or another USB drive that connected to your computer.
Once you are certain that you have the correct info you want to run this command (make sure you are in the directory with your image file):
dd if=kali-2.1.2-rpi2.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512k
be sure to substitute the image name with the name of the image you downloaded as well as the device (in my case my SD card was located at /dev/sdb)
It could like a while for the image to write on the SD Card. Mine took about 20 minutes.
Once the image is written, safely eject the SD card and put it in the RPi and power it on.
Once you have the image installed on an SD card (no matter which install you used) and the RPi is powered on and Kali is booted you should do a few things.
The first thing I do is run sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade. This will update Kali with any new updates. This step could take 30 minutes or more.
Once that's done you will want to expand the SD card to use all available space (by default it only creates a 6GB partition and doesnt expand).
I got the info from THIS site but I will post what I did below. You need to download the raspi-config and use the tool to expand the partition.
Run these commands:
sudo wget
sudo apt-get install gdebi
sudo gdebi raspi-config_201560322_all.deb
Once the package is downloaded and installed, run the raspi-config program to expand the partition:
sudo raspi-config
You will want to select the option to expand the file system (should be the first option) and then reboot. Some people are saying that it didn't work or that it messed up their partition. I tried it and it worked.
The last thing you want to do once you are using all available space is to install all the Kali Tools (optional of course). To do this run the following command:
sudo apt-get install kali-linux-full
This will take a long time as I believe it downloads a few gigs worth of packages. You will also need to babysit it since at certain points it will ask for user input (ie, mySQL password, etc).
You also want to make sure you change you SSH keys since all the arm images use the same pre-configured keys:
rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
service ssh restart
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